Friday, November 23, 2012

Thinking about my old friends

I often remember my childhood schoolfriends from St. Elizabeth's, and I wonder how they all are. If I could go back to any time at all in my life, it would be 1978 or 79, without a doubt. What a colorful, delightful time that was. Whenever they come up with something better than facebook I'll get on & try to socialize with old school people, I suppose, but as it stands I have yet to find a social networking thing that I can actually go along with. FB makes me irritable. It's way to serious in it's format and it tries to be so official and what's going on with like every single product, every brand, and every commercial posting their FB thing on it? Like it's everything now? That's crazy, because nothing lasts forever, especially the very things people like the most. They burn out and look for something new, which is what I hope happens in the near future. I miss everybody. Someone needs to invent the Perfect Website, where... There's no such thing, is there. And there never will be. *sigh* I'm sort of at a crossroads with my online stuff, thinking about going back to just writing, like this. And stop making cartoons. Cartoons are my easy way out when it comes to whatever I want to say. But isn't writing better? Does it make me look more mature? Speaking of mature, how about this whole "being in your 40's" thing!! Yowza! Never thought I'd be this old.